The default project structure reflects certain opinions about how to do collaborative data science work. These opinions grew out of our own experiences with what works and what doesn't. Some of these opinions are about workflows, and others are about tools that can make the process easier. These opinions are discussed below. If you have any thoughts, please contribute or share them.
01 Data Hygiene
01.01 Data analysis is a directed acyclic graph
Don't ever edit your raw data. Especially not manually. And especially not in Excel.
The most important features of a quality data analysis are correctness and reproducibility—anyone should be able to re-run your analysis using only your code and raw data and produce the same final products. The best way to ensure correctness is to test your analysis code. The best way to ensure reproducibility is to treat your data analysis pipeline as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). This means each step of your analysis is a node in a directed graph with no loops. You can run through the graph forwards to recreate any analysis output, or you can trace backwards from an output to examine the combination of code and data that created it.
01.02 Raw data is immutable
That proper data analysis is a DAG means that raw data must be treated as immutable—it's okay to read and copy raw data to manipulate it into new outputs, but never okay to change it in place. This informs the design of the default data/
directory subfolders in which data originates from raw/
and external/
, intermediate analytical outputs get serialized or cached in interim/
, and final products end up in processed/
(the number or names of these folders is less important than flow of data between them).
Some dos and don'ts that follow from treating data analysis as a DAG:
✅ Do write code that moves the raw data through a pipeline to your final analysis.
✅ Do serialize or cache the intermediate outputs of long-running steps.
✅ Do make it possible (and ideally, documented and automated) for anyone to reproduce your final data products with only the code in
{{ cookiecutter.module_name }}
and the data indata/raw/
). -
⛔ Don't ever edit your raw data, especially not manually, and especially not in Excel. This includes changing file formats or fixing errors that might break a tool that's trying to read your data file.
⛔ Don't overwrite your raw data with a newly processed or cleaned version.
⛔ Don't save multiple versions of the raw data.
01.03 Data should (mostly) not be kept in source control
Another consequence of treating data as immutable is that data doesn't need source control in the same way that code does. Therefore, by default, the data/
folder is included in the .gitignore
file. If you have a small amount of data that rarely changes, you may want to include the data in the repository. GitHub currently warns you if files are over 50MB and rejects any files over 100MB.
If you have larger amounts of data, consider storing and syncing with a cloud service like Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Google Cloud Storage. We've had a good experience with Amazon S3, if you're not tied to any particular cloud provider. Syncing tools can help you manage the data. Some examples:
- Amazon S3:
- Azure Blob Storage:
- Google Cloud Platform:
- Supports multiple clouds:
There is also the Git Large File Storage (LFS) extension which lets you track large files in git but stores the files on a separate server. GitHub provides some storage compatible with Git LFS.
01.04 Tools for DAGs
DAGs are so common in data and software processes that many tools have been built to manage them. We prefer make
for managing steps that depend on each other, especially the long-running ones. Make is a common tool on Unix-based platforms (and is available for Windows via chocolatey). Following the make
documentation, Makefile conventions, and portability guide will help ensure your Makefiles work effectively across systems. Here are some examples to get started. A number of data folks use make
as their tool of choice, including Mike Bostock.
There are other tools for managing DAGs that are written in Python, instead of their own language. Popular ones include Airflow, Luigi, Snakemake, Prefect, Dagster, and Joblib. Feel free to use these if they are more appropriate for your analysis.
02 Notebooks are for exploration and communication, source files are for repetition
Source code is superior for replicability because it is more portable, can be tested more easily, and is easier to code review.
Jupyter Notebook, Apache Zeppelin, and other literate programming tools are very effective for exploratory data analysis because they enable rapid iteration and visualization of results. However, these tools can be less effective for reproducing an analysis. Source code is superior for replicability because it is more portable, can be tested more easily, and is easier to code review.
When we use notebooks in our work, we often subdivide the notebooks/
folder to keep things organized and legible. For example, notebooks/exploratory/
contains initial explorations, whereas notebooks/reports/
is more polished work that can be exported as html to the reports/
directory. We also recommend that you follow a naming convention that shows the owner and the order the analysis was done in. We use the format <step>-<ghuser>-<description>.ipynb
(e.g., 0.3-bull-visualize-distributions.ipynb
). Since notebooks are challenging objects for source control (e.g., diffs of the json
are often not human-readable and merging is near impossible), we recommended not collaborating directly with others on Jupyter notebooks. We also recommend using a tool like nbautoexport
to make reviewing changes to notebooks easier.
02.01 Refactor the good parts into source code
Don't write code to do the same task in multiple notebooks. If it's a data preprocessing task, put it in the pipeline at {{ cookiecutter.module_name }}/data/make_dataset.py
and load data from data/interim/
. If it's useful utility code, refactor it to {{ cookiecutter.module_name }}
. Classic signs that you are ready to move from a notebook to source code include duplicating old notebooks to start new ones, copy/pasting functions between notebooks, and creating object-oriented classes within notebooks.
We make it easy to refactor notebook code because the ccds template makes your project a Python package by default and installs it locally in the requirements file of your chosen environment manager. This enables you to import your project's source code and use it in notebooks with a cell like the following:
# OPTIONAL: Load the "autoreload" extension so that code can change
%load_ext autoreload
# OPTIONAL: always reload modules so that as you change code
# in {{ cookiecutter.module_name }}, it gets loaded
%autoreload 2
from {{ cookiecutter.module_name }}.data import make_dataset
03 Keep your modeling organized
Different modeling pipelines are different, so we don't provide a lot of baked-in structure to the models/
directory. However, documenting modeling experiments is critical to enable reproducibility, continuous learning, and improvement. You should implement experiment documentation procedures that enable you to, at minimum, identify the provenance of the data and the version of the code that the experiment used, as well as the metrics used to measure performance.
For smaller projects, it's fine to start with homegrown tracking using file formats like JSON that are both human- and machine-readable. You can graduate to experiment tracking tools (e.g., MLflow) if it's warranted or if they're standard for your team.
04 Build from the environment up
The first step in reproducing an analysis is always replicating the computational environment it was run in. You need the same tools, the same libraries, and the same versions to make everything play nicely together.
Doing so in Python requires choosing and configuring an environment management tool. The ecosystem for this tooling has evolved a lot in recent years.
For data science work, we prefer to use the conda package manager because it also manages non-Python packages, including system library dependencies that you often run into in data science. Our recommended way to install conda is with Miniforge, though the Miniconda and Anaconda installers from Anaconda are also popular.
You can also use Python-only environment managers. Popular tools in this category include virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper, Poetry, Pipenv, and others.
Cookiecutter v2 lets you pick from among many of these, or to initialize your project without one so you can roll your own.
If you have more complex requirements for recreating your environment, consider a virtual machine based approach such as Docker or Vagrant. Both of these tools use text-based formats (Dockerfile and Vagrantfile respectively) that you can easily add to source control to describe how to create a virtual machine with the requirements you need. You might also consider using pip-tools
or conda-lock
to generate a file that appropriately pins your dependencies.
05 Keep secrets and configuration out of version control
You really don't want to leak your AWS secret key or Postgres username and password on Github—see the Twelve Factor App principles on this point. Here's one way to do this:
05.01 Store your secrets and config variables in a special file
Create a .env
file in the project root folder. Thanks to the .gitignore
, this file should never get committed into the version control repository. Here's an example:
# example .env file
05.02 Use a package to load these variables automatically.
If you look at the stub script in {{ cookiecutter.module_name }}/data/make_dataset.py
, it uses a package called python-dotenv to load up all the entries in this file as environment variables so they are accessible with os.environ.get
. Here's an example snippet adapted from the python-dotenv
# {{ cookiecutter.module_name }}/data/dotenv_example.py
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
# find .env automagically by walking up directories until it's found
dotenv_path = find_dotenv()
# load up the entries as environment variables
database_url = os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL")
other_variable = os.environ.get("OTHER_VARIABLE")
05.03 AWS CLI configuration
When using Amazon S3 to store data, a simple method of managing AWS access is to set your access keys to environment variables. However, managing mutiple sets of keys on a single machine (e.g. when working on multiple projects) it is best to use a credentials file, typically located in ~/.aws/credentials
. A typical file might look like:
You can add the profile name when initialising a project; assuming no applicable environment variables are set, the profile credentials will be used be default.
06 Encourage adaptation from a consistent default
To keep this structure broadly applicable for many different kinds of projects, we think the best approach is to be liberal in changing the folders around for your project, but be conservative in modifying the default cookiecutter structure for all projects.
We've created a folder-layout label specifically for issues proposing to add, subtract, rename, or move folders around. More generally, we've also created a needs-discussion label for issues that should have some careful discussion and broad support before being implemented.
06.01 Examples of template adaptation and evolution
A project's organizational needs may differ from the start and can change over time. Here are some examples of directions to go in evolving your project structure.
Example 1: Simplifying
Some projects don't require multiple sub-directories to organize their module code. When a few python files can effectively accomplish all that is required, flattening folders into files can make things easier to track and maintain. You can see an example of this in our cyfi package. If it's in the template but you don't need it, delete it!
Example 2: Expanding
By contrast, we've added more folders to organize module code on more complex projects. A good example of this is our zamba package for which we've introduced new folders to handle task-specific portions of the codebase.
Example 3: Re-organizing
On long-running projects, the notebooks
folder can get congested. One adaptation we've employed is to add a top-level research/
folder (and a corresponding data/research
data folder) that contains sub-folders for individual experiments. These sub-folders can contain their own notebooks, code, and even their own Makefiles that inherit from the parent project Makefile